Dalefoot Wool Compost for Vegetables and Salads * LOCAL DELIVERY ONLY *

Wool Compost for Vegetables and Salads


3 in stock



Wool Compost for Vegetables and Salads (30ltr)

Perfect for “grow your own” organic vegetables, salad and fruit in an allotment, raised beds, containers or windowsill.

  • Up to 50% less watering
  • Feeds throughout the growing season
  • Peat-free
  • Soil Association approved
  • This compost is made from bracken and sheep’s wool sourced from the Cumbrian fells, blended to provide the ideal balance of nutrients for growing organic vegetables, salads and fruit.The sheep’s wool gives natural water retention and also provides a slow release of nitrogen. The high level of potash in the bracken promotes flowering and fruiting. Plus it contains natural micro-nutrients for growing healthy and delicious produce. Benefits of Wool Compost:
    • 12 months feed
    • 50% less watering
    • Peat-free
    • Approved for organic growing

    This compost is ideal for growing:

    • Herbs
    • Salads
    • Root vegetables
    • Brassica
    • Legumes
    • Curcurbits
    • Strawberries